DexShell Waterproof Overcalf Sock, x-large

DexShell Waterproof Overcalf Sock, x-large ~ DexShell Chaussettes overcalf étanche - XL ~ Gambaletti Impermeabili - DexShell - XL ~ DexShell Waterproof overcalf sock - Xlarge ~ DexShell Waterproof overcalf sock - Xlarge ~ DexShell Waterproof overcalf sock - Xlarge
High-tech waterproof, windproof and breathable accessories that really do work, and do so equally well sailing in the Solent, or on rainy days on the High Street! Close-fitting and waterproof all the way up, the tops of our DexShell Overcalf waterproof socks also incorporate DexShell's patented in-cuff seal system which significantly reduces the ability of splashed water to seep into the top. The fabric has been designed to stretch both lengthways as well as widthways for a supremely comfortable fit. Ideal for wearing with taller boots.
Brand DexShell

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